Veterinary Association of Namibia
Veterinary Council
The Veterinary Council of Namibia

The Veterinary Council of Namibia (The Council; VCN) was established as a statutory body and juristic person under the Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Proclamation, 2013 (Act 1 of 2013) on 1st August 1984.

1. Objectives of the Council

The objectives of the Council are:
  1. To regulate the practicing of the veterinary profession and para-veterinary professions and the registration of persons practicing such professions;
  2. To determine the minimum standards of tuition and training required for degrees, diplomas and certificates entitling the holders thereof to be registered to practise the veterinary profession and para-veterinary professions;
  3. To exercise effective control over professional conduct of persons practicing the veterinary profession and para-veterinary professions;
  4. To determine the standards of professional conduct of persons practicing the veterinary profession and para-veterinary professions;
  5. To encourage and promote efficiency in and responsibility with regard to the practise of the veterinary profession and para-veterinary professions;
  6. To protect the interests of the veterinary profession and para-veterinary professions and to deal with any matter related to such interests;
  7. To maintain and enhance the prestige, status and dignity of the veterinary profession and para-veterinary professions and the integrity of persons practicing such professions;
  8. To advise the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry in relation to any matter affecting the veterinary profession or para-veterinary professions.
Para-veterinary professions are e.g. veterinary nurses or veterinary technicians. Presently such professions have not been registered with the Council. Thus the Council only deals with the veterinary profession.

2. Powers and Functions of the Council

The Council may, in order to achieve its objectives -
  1. Acquire or hire movable or immovable property;
  2. Develop, mortgage, let or sell or otherwise dispose of or burden movable or immovable property of Council;
  3. Accept, draw, endorse, issue, make, pay or perform any other act in respect of negotiable instruments;
  4. Spend and invest funds of the Council;
  5. Enter into contracts;
  6. Exercise or perform any power or function conferred or imposed upon it by or under this Proclamation (AG14/84) or any other law;
  7. Generally, take such other steps and perform such other acts as may be necessary for or conducive to the achievement of the objectives of the Council.

3. Constitution of the Council

The Council consists of:
  1. Three officers designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (MAWF) of whom:
    1. One shall be the officer in control of the veterinary division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry who is a veterinarian or veterinary specialist (currently Dr FG Joubert);
    2. One shall be an officer of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry who is a veterinarian or veterinary specialist (currently Dr ES Homateni);
    3. One shall be designated on account of his knowledge of law (TBA).
  2. One representative of the Veterinary Association of Namibia, which representative shall be a member of that association and shall be designated by said association (currently Dr AS Voigts)
  3. Two veterinarians elected by veterinarians registered under this Proclamation and who are permanently resident in Namibia (currently Dr RH Hassel and Dr MKR Beggs).

4. Qualifications of Members of the Council

No person shall be designated or elected as member of Council if:
  1. He is not a veterinarian or veterinary specialist, except for the person designated on account of his knowledge of law;
  2. He is not permanently resident in Namibia.

5. Tenure of Office of Members of the Council

The members of the Council designated by the Minister shall hold office during the Ministers pleasure, while the member designated by the Veterinary Association of Namibia and the members elected shall hold office for a period of 3 (three) years. Presently this three year period expires on 31st July 2012.

6. President and Vice-President of the Council

At the first meeting of every newly constituted Council the members elect a President and Vice-President from their number. Currently the President is Dr RH Hassel, and the Vice-President is Dr MKR Beggs.

7. Appointment of a Registrar

Subject to the Government Service Act, 1980 (Act 2 of 1980), the Minister appoints an officer in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry as Registrar for the purposes of this Proclamation (currently Dr. Janeke Kirchner).

8. Bookkeeping and Auditing

The Council shall cause proper records to be kept of all moneys received or expended by it, of all assets and liabilities and of all financial transactions entered into by it. It shall as soon as possible after the end of each financial year cause statements of account and a balance sheet to be prepared showing, with all the appropriate particulars, the moneys received and the expenditure incurred by it during, and its assets and liabilities at the end of that financial year. The Auditor General shall audit the records, statements of account and balance sheet.

Please contact the Registrar at for application forms

VCN Newsletter

The Veterinary Council of Namibia`s newsletter is obtainable from the Registrar at

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